Home WPS Lecturing WOMEN’S RIGHTS are HUMAN RIGHTS – Sejarah Resolusi DK PBB 1325 tentang... WPS LecturingWOMEN’S RIGHTS are HUMAN RIGHTS – Sejarah Resolusi DK PBB 1325 tentang Women, Peace, and SecurityBy admin - 4, September, 2023013FacebookTwitterPinterestWhatsApp RELATED ARTICLESMORE FROM AUTHORPENTING!!! Pencegahan Konflik dan Keberulangan Konflik – WPS Lecturing Seri 4: Pilar PencegahanKEREN!!! Indonesia Punya RAN P3AKS – WPS Lecturing Seri 3: Implementasi Resolusi 1325 di IndonesiaInterseksionalitas untuk Memaknai “Security” Perempuan – WPS Lecturing Seri 2: Kerangka Pikir WPSLEAVE A REPLYPlease enter your comment! Please enter your name here You have entered an incorrect email address!Please enter your email address here Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment.Are you human? Please solve: Δ